Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Little Known Greek Mythology

It seems that I might have possibly discovered a new god - in the Greek Mythological sense of the word, made even more interesting by the fact that it's been years since I've done any reading of the myths.


Murfisticles, better known in his modern incarnation as Murphy, is the god of general goings wrong and is the inspiration for this humble blog. He is the bastard child of Ares and the result of what was reportedly a helluva liberty party with some 'ladies' of questionable reputations.

Tequila... does it every time.

Recent research has indicated that, interestingly enough, he got his start as the more specific god of... the nut shot. Bear with me here...

Many of Murphisticles' fans were ladies of course, but only guys are... er, properly 'equipped' to serve this minor deity. Proper worshipping position was remarkably similar to the fetal pos, on the knees, hands cupped around ones tender bits, moaning softly.

Murphisticles works in mysterious ways - including, as recently discovered - small toddlers who, excited at their new found jumping ability, visiting family, and by life in general, land - not on my lap, no! - my right. square. on. my.... urf!


Bob G. said...

ROFLMAO....brilliant observations (and history lesson)!

(toddlers...not the BEST way to grow up...just the ONLY way)


Sabra said...

My ex is well-acquainted with this form of worshp. What's also fun is when they are just the right height to headbutt you in the dainty parts without meaning to and going through their "insanely jealous of Mommy and Daddy hugging each other" phase.

As a mother, I was treated to the much longer "teething while breastfeeding" stage. Y'all get off easy.

The Captain said...

Between my own two kids and my six nieces... let's just say that I'm familiar with praying to Murphisticles.

Anonymous said...

LOL Sabra - along with the several months of "kicking mommy in the ovaries from the INside" *G*

The Marine!Goth is worth it though - after 22 years, the memory of the pain has dimmed - somewhat.

Murphy said...

Heh, I too have been the victim of the teething & breastfeeding baby, believe it or not. Apparently one 'booby-juice nozzle' looks just like any other, to an indiscriminatingly hungry baby. Child accompanied my howls with a 'WTF, this one's broken!' look on his face...

Not a Good Moment.

Y'all got me on the kicking from the inside bit, I've seen Aliens and I don't want any part of that!

Old NFO said...

My grandson did that to me last Christmas... My daughter is STILL laughing about it...