Saturday, March 20, 2010

Semper Fi...

... now with extra Moto!

I recently read about this salty senior Lance Corporal in a recent Marine Corps Times, if I recall correctly. Interestingly enough, he has a website. Read the 'toons and the articles beneath, from crazy libo attire, nicknames, the big green weenie, and p.o.ed SNCO-HMFICs, he's done a bit of the same stuff that I've written about, just funnier. Good thing he's getting out, doesn't take a genius to figure out that someone, somewhere, eventually would get all butt-hurt about one of the strips sooner or later. Hopefully, he keeps up with his page now that he's rejoining the really-real world.

No comment from my peanut gallery, m'kay?

Also, a slight word of caution, it is a strip about Marines, so there are going to be the occasional creative variations on the f-word, references to lower-orifice recreational activities, and the like.

Also also speaking of the like, if one should find themselves on Facebook, one should look up a page for F'N Boot!. Marines of a certain type of humor, likely grunts, are probably going to wax nostalgic whilst trying mightily not to spew coffee (or pee) all over the place. And that's just for the wall comments. Venture on to check out the pictures (and related comments) for that page at your own risk. I did mention that Marine grunts would like it, right? Let me put it this way, I'm reluctant to even link from here, if that's telling you anything. Some pictures (but mostly comments) are definitely not suitable for polite, mixed, adult, civi, or any other type of company.


Hell, I'm offended by some of 'em.

They tend to go off on anyone who's ever been; a boot Marine, female, reservist, infantry, non-infantry, Officer, on camera sober, on camera drunk, in blues & alphas, on downtime in the States or deployed, tattooed, - basically, anyone who isn't a unanimously acknowledged bad-ass of Marine Corps combat history. Mostly hilarious, in other words.

'Special Attention' is bestowed to those who are photographed while wearing uniforms and awards not legitimately earned.

Should you happen to check out the pics, my personal favorite at the moment (and coincidentally enough my current desktop image at the house), is this one.

Yeah, it's that kind of page.


Old NFO said...

Yep, definitely beverage alerts on BOTH of those pages...LOL Good to see you back posting Murph!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link to Terminal Lance...a great site! Also, a hearty ditto to what Old NFO said.

Taco Bell said...

Hey Murph,
You write too well and I'm glad to see you back!! Thought maybe you had burned out there for awhile. Most likely work, kids and everything else took over like it does here at my house. Take care brother.